I am a member of the medical advisory board for Respiras. I have reviewed the literature of the last 50 years from multiple physicians and investigators. It is both my professional and personal opinion that Respiras’ methodology in breathing training offers an opportunity for the willing participant to acquire the skills to improve personal performance while addressing the need to reduce stress. It is not a treatment, therapy or medical protocol. It is rather a pattern of exercises guided by an experienced, certified capnography expert to provide the user with awareness and internal controls to monitor breathing and improve breathing hygiene.
Despite the medical literature, very little attention is given to the benefits of carbon dioxide and breathing. In my own case, it has improved my concentration and energy levels. I also have gained an awareness of disturbed breathing patterns which I am able now to resolve on my own.
Respiras provides an “oasis of relief” from stress. Most importantly, it empowers the individual with practical tools to effectively manage the various complexities of life in ways that are natural and non-invasive.
There is no representation that all participants will receive the same level of benefit or relief from underlying disease, but rather learn skills which will help them in their daily lives to improve performance and well-being. It is hoped that participants would consider this methodology to enhance their quality of life and manage stress effectively without use of suppressive methods when reasonable.
John M. Wyatt, M.D.
Physiatrist in practice for more than thirty years, Dr. Wyatt has done much of his work in pain management and rehabilitation. His perspective in medicine is to empower patients to take control of their health and enhance the quality of their lives.