"It is time for modern medicine to recognize the importance of elementary principles of health such as good nutrition, exercise, and practical methods to reduce stress such as breathing. It is evident that our literature emphatically addresses the importance of breathing. Surprisingly, this is an area that is neglected in its totality. In many ways, I feel that prevention and wellness are the responsibilities of both the patient and the doctor. This is how we can break away from a reactive disease model that is fear based and reimbursement centered. The transformation of U.S. health care begins with a patient-focused approach in which the patient is given choices to improve their health.
Respiras Breathing challenges the status quo of conventional paradigms of breathwork by enhancing peak performance using basic physiologic and sound scientific principles that can be measured and intended for better self-care.
I support Respiras Breathing as it integrates the principles of quality, innovation and sound science to transform the way our bodies function from the inside-out. Respiras is the Star Trek Voyager of our current medical model. It is the future!"
Mary Zennett, MD
Dr. Mary Zennett, M.D. is a Board Certified Psychiatrist who has been practicing since 1982. As founder of Alliance for Health Reform, she is committed to improving the health status of Americans through education and empowerment. Dr. Zennett travels and lectures across the United States to advocate the role of preventative medicine and wellness in health care.