"I am amazed to keep discovering new unanticipated benefits. I used to feel tension and pain in my back after standing long enough to prepare a meal. Now I prepare meals, run errands, shop, and stand chatting with friends without even thinking about it.
Before Respiras, I would be so anxious about doctor visits that my heart would race up to 106 beats a minute. On a recent doctor's visit, my pulse was 75! Having rheumatoid arthritis, it was difficult to walk when getting up in the morning. Now I get out of bed and walk with no pain and minimal stiffness...without drugs. At my recent annual eye exam, the doctor said the vision in my left eye was better than the previous year. Due to Respiras? Hard to prove, but I have no other explanation.
At age 70 it’s always welcome news to feel better and to hear one’s health is improving!
The generalized feeling of anxiety is gone and I no longer have “skipped” heartbeats. I feel calmer, healthier, younger, and more energetic.
I am grateful for the improvements in my life on a daily basis. I highly recommend this approach to improve one’s health in many ways!"
Jean P