"I was referred to Respiras Breathing as a “last resort” for my tooth pain.
I had an extremely painful tooth with hot/cold liquids and chewing for over 7 years. I’d had 3 root canals on the same tooth and the pain still persisted. I ended up seeing 5 dentists, 2 prosthodontists, 3 endodontists, 1 psychologist and 1 orofacial pain specialist, all doing what amounted to hundreds of tests and more prescription medications to attempt to “heal me.” My pain specialist’s final recommendation was not to make any facial expressions at all. I was prescribed a strange method of lip taping to breathe better during sleep, which made me feel like I had a pillow over my face trying to breathe so I removed it after 4 minutes and my condition worsened. Nothing worked for me.
My last endodontist, Dr. Robert Corr, DDS, took the time to understand the root cause of my pain. He felt I didn’t need a root canal based on his extensive and thorough examination. He referred me to Respiras to rule out stress and disturbed breathing as potential causes for my unexplained tooth pain and sensitivity. Within a month of going through the Respiras program, my pain was completely gone. That was January 2015 and I’m still pain-free today in May 2017!
It is my contention that Respiras is a research and science-based approach to breathing that allows the foundation for healing in the body. This is not like a doctor or therapy that you have to keep going back to week after week for the rest of your life. Nor is it like having to take a prescription drug forever. Roberto gave me an education, one that allows me now to manage my health and contribute to my quality of life. Being pain-free without drugs gives me an overwhelming liberating feeling of joy.
Respiras Breathing has given me hope and more importantly RESULTS! Respiras is like no other program in the world. I highly recommend it."
Retired Colonel, USAF